Some answers

Hy-Boost Technology is a proud West Australian business, with all development, engineering, testing and manufacturing completed locally. Over the past few years, we have been researching and developing technology for hydrogen co-fuelling systems. This means we have learnt a lot about what does and doesn’t work, resulting in the development of our revolutionary Hy-Boost system[1]. The technology underpinning the Hy-Boost system means that hydrogen is produced for immediate consumption at a speed that is unique and separates Hy-Boost from its competitors. This results in significant and superior fuels savings and emissions reductions.

[1] Patent Pending

The system uses the power from the engine to electrolyse water and produce hydrogen gas on demand, delivered to the combustion chamber to enhance the combustion process.

The Hy-Boost system is adaptable to suit all internal combustion engines. Our extensive testing has included both petrol and diesel engines. The size of the system will vary based on the engine size and general operational requirements. Our test data allows us to size the correct system to any engine. The water tank is sized to suit the maintenance schedule to allow this to be filled during scheduled servicing.  The water tank size will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to meet the operational requirements.

The addition of a small amount of hydrogen allows the engine to run a lot cleaner and reduces exhaust particulate matter (soot). Based on our testing to date as well as the large body of research that is publicly available, we are unaware of any negative impact on any engines. Engines typically run cleaner, which may result in reduced wear, leading to extended engine life and lower maintenance costs.

When the Hy-Boost System is operating, the small amount of HHO gas added to the engine does not represent a fuel source for the engine it operates only to enhance the combustion of the existing fuel. As it is not an alternative fuel, nor a fuel “additive” being added to the combustion process via the air intake, and there are no changes to the engine management system, it is not described as a warranty exclusion by many Original Equipment Manufacturers, resulting no impact on warranty. If you have any concerns please talk directly with your OEM.

When people talk about hydrogen fuelled vehicles, they often raise concerns relating to the safety of the system, and what may happen in the event of a vehicle accident. Our Hy-Boost Systems only operates when the engine is running, with all hydrogen consumed by the engine immediately after production, it does NOT store any hydrogen. Moreover, the amount of hydrogen that is produced is small in comparison to the standard fuel. We have a risk assessment available on request.

Our development team has vast experience in the maintenance and operation of plant and equipment in remote and harsh conditions. We have used this experience to ensure that the Hy-Boost systems are suitable for all conditions including long highway driving, corrugated dirt road driving, and remote mining conditions, as well as a range of temperatures (1oC to 60oC).

The system uses distilled water for the production of hydrogen. This is available for purchase from either from Hy-Boost or direct from other distributors. You cannot use normal tap water in the water tank for the system.

The water tank is selected to align refilling with schedule maintenance intervals for your equipment. If the water tank runs dry, the system will automatically turn off and a warning light on the dashboard will come on. This will not impact the engine, and the engine will run normally without the benefits of hydrogen.

The power required is dependent on the amount of hydrogen production required for your engine. The systems have been sized based on the engine size and is adaptable to run on a 12V or 24V systems. The current draw varies based on the engine size and duration of operation. Most installations do not require any upgrades to the existing on-board electrical system.

The Hy-Boost system is only active while the engine is running. Once the engine is stopped the system will not draw any power. When the engine starts running the system will commence the production of hydrogen and in less than 1 minute be producing hydrogen to deliver benefits.

Hy-Boost Technology recommend an annual service be completed on the system. This service will include an operational and solution check and changeout as required.

The water tank will require refilling with distilled water during scheduled maintenance (servicing).

At Hy-Boost Technology we have undertaken testing in-house, in-field and independently verified testing to measure the fuel and emissions savings across a range of systems on a variety of vehicles. Based on our testing of our generation 3 system we have achieved a range of fuel savings between 21% up to 35% across a range of vehicles.

Importantly, testing with our customers is ongoing, with results updated regularly. It should be noted that there are variables that may impact the fuel savings.

Not only does our Hy-Boost System save fuel, but it also provides a significant reduction of harmful emissions. For specific emissions data please contact us for recent results.

Hy-Boost Technology holds insurance for the operation of the Hy-Boost System, while our installation partners hold insurance for the installation of the systems.

Hy-Boost Technology will warrant the system for a 1-year period based on the standard operating conditions and annual servicing by one of our trained installers. Only distilled water to be used and the system is not to be opened or tampered with. While the warranty is for a 1-year period, we expect that this will have up to a 10-year life.

The cost of each of standard install includes the supply and installation of our systems. This includes all elements for the system, including Hy-Boost electrolyser, HDPE water tank and controls on the dash with on / off switch and light to show when system is not working or requires water. Depending on the operational hours or kilometres, it is expected that the return on investment is between 5 and 9 months. For specific costs for your installation please contact us.

The standard install includes the hy-boost system mounted within toolbox, poly water tank, 12V power supply and mounted without any additional fabrication. 

While the standard install is noted above, the Hy-Boost system can be adapted to meet all applications.

If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us and one of our team members can answer your specific query.